Image of artwork titled "Verbalization" by Yi Xin Tong
Image of artwork titled "Verbalization" by Yi Xin Tong
Image of artwork titled "Verbalization" by Yi Xin Tong
Image of artwork titled "Verbalization" by Yi Xin Tong

Yi Xin Tong, Verbalization, 2023
Porcelain clay, resin, epoxy clay, stainless steel, and pigment
8 × 15 × 1.5 inches

Yi Xin Tong is a geologist, fisherman, musician, poet, and artist whose work evokes the paradoxes of contemporary urban life and its fraught relationship with nature. He was born on Lu Mountain (Lushan), a place that is celebrated for its natural beauty, as well as its centuries-old associations with Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism and as the birthplace of Chinese landscape painting.

Tong’s work has been exhibited at CANDICE MADEY, New York (2023); the Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2022); Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson (2022); Today Art Museum, Beijing (2022); Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2020). In 2021, he was the winner of the first Choi Foundation Prize for Contemporary Art, a Franco-Chinese art prize dedicated to contemporary creation and ecology.



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