Image of artwork titled "Untitled (23.011)" by Abdolreza Aminlari
Image of artwork titled "Untitled (23.011)" by Abdolreza Aminlari
Image of artwork titled "Untitled (23.011)" by Abdolreza Aminlari

Abdolreza Aminlari, Untitled (23.011), 2023
Gouache and thread on paper, framed
33 × 25.5 × 1.75 inches

Deeply saturated, painted gouache backgrounds offset the gleaming hard-edged geometries Abdolreza Aminlari meticulously embroiders by hand in his series of thread drawings. Aminlari stitches invented forms based on his recollections of animals, patterns, and other motifs in the Persian rugs of his childhood. In emphasizing the unfixed and subjective aspects of personal memory, Aminilari’s “in-between shapes” suggest multiple interpretations outside of a singular culture or context. At once specific and open-ended, Aminlari’s works speak to a larger diasporic experience and the nature of nostalgia itself.



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