Installation view: TD Sidell presented by Turn Onz, Detroit
Turn Onz embraces the quotidian tradition of adorning light switch covers with artistic efforts. This project hopes to afford artists with a site for expression which might circumvent some of the usual trappings of exhibiting artwork.
Their ability to feel at home equally in a gallery or a flea market relies on a Keatsian negative capability, which both does and does not accept fine art status at its own convenience. Whether they choose to bridge a gap or walk between two worlds is up to them.
Participating artists include Amanda Friedman, Christina Leung, David Kennedy Cutler, Denise Kupferschmidt, Hamtramck Ceramck, Henry Crissman, Jaime Keiter, Joey Frank, Jonathan Campolo, Lakela Brown, Lauren Clay, Lizzie Wright, Maggie Sullivan, Monica Mirabile, Nancy Smith, Orlando Estrada, Sam Moyer, Susanne Carr, TD Sidell, Travis Boyer, and Virginia Torrence.
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