Image of artwork titled "A_______ That Defies Gravity no. 88-99" by Maya Stovall

Maya Stovall, A_______ That Defies Gravity no. 88-99, 2022
Foam, frost, mist, palest blue neon
95 × 124 × 2 inches

A____That Defies Gravity reveals abstraction as urgent within the artist’s analytically dense practice. The varied colorways of glowing neon communicate spatial relationships through the segmentation of light, and mathematic, rhythmic transition of color and form. Throughout the series this dynamic minimalism intentionally provides the viewer space for interpretation and introspection. Concurrent Neon Theatre series (not exhibited in Sail) include: 1526 (NASDAQ: FAANG) and 3998 (NASDAQ: FAANG). Each series documents critical moments in human history, represented as numerical years illuminated in neon. Across thousands of years and into the future, Neon Theatre inverts global representations of ownership, entrepreneurship, and authority. Accompanying postcards render brief historical and/or archival details through language. The scope of the project invites the viewer to reevaluate ideas of romanticized history, cognition, and anthropology in relation to the contemporary.

By design, each elegant, linear composition in the A____That Defies Gravity series evades direct recognition and simultaneously provokes a multitude of algorithmic and structural associations. “In the work, the concept is considered after theory and after abstraction, such that the concept, object, subject, thing etc is able to defy gravity itself” says the artist.



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