Image of artwork titled "Atomic Tangerine: Looking at the Sun with Your Eyes Closed" by Emilie Louise Gossiuax

Emilie Louise Gossiuax, Atomic Tangerine: Looking at the Sun with Your Eyes Closed, 2018
oil paint and enamel paint on gold cotton cloth
60 inches

Without vision color becomes physical sensations; textures, tastes, smells, and emotions. When imagining the ripest shade of orange, Gossiaux depicts the way light feels on her eyes by layering thin washes of black oil paint on gold cloth, and then builds a top layer of vibrant orange with flecks of enamel paint that sits on top of the stained fabric. The combination of colors and thicknesses of paint mimics the burning after image imprinted behind one’s eyelids from looking at the Sun. The title “Atomic Tangerine,” comes from the name of a crayon Gossiaux associates with her memory of this visual sensation.



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