Image of artwork titled "Hotel frottage #7 (Copenhagen Plaza)" by Per Lunde Jørgensen
Image of artwork titled "Hotel frottage #7 (Copenhagen Plaza)" by Per Lunde Jørgensen
Image of artwork titled "Hotel frottage #7 (Copenhagen Plaza)" by Per Lunde Jørgensen

Per Lunde Jørgensen, Hotel frottage #7 (Copenhagen Plaza), 2022
Indian ink, charcoal, canvas.
78 × 59 inches

There are similar interventive traits at play in the works of Per Lunde Jørgensen, with works being based on searching, collecting and transforming preowned chairs and sofas bought on Den Blå Avis (a Danish equivalent to Ebay), using a preset search radius that determines the projects’ spatial area, and at the same time a specific social demography. In another series he rents private homes on Airbnb or hotel rooms, where he performs full scale frottage on canvas, resulting in some large graphite “paintings”. In both projects the final result point to fundamental modernist concerns about the status of the of the canvas, the object and the personel traces, creating a new type of object-images fluctuating between familiarity and abstraction.



Email: [email protected]