Image of artwork titled "If I had a hundred years" by Tristan Unrau
Image of artwork titled "If I had a hundred years" by Tristan Unrau
Image of artwork titled "If I had a hundred years" by Tristan Unrau

Tristan Unrau, If I had a hundred years, 2022
Oil on linen
38 × 31 × 1 inches

With If I had a hundred years, Unrau directs his attention to his more immediate surroundings. The painting is based on a sun-faded poster outside a restaurant near a friend’s studio in Chinatown, Los Angeles. Struck by how the natural elements had transformed the image over time, Tristan decided to reproduce it – rendering its sun softened, muted palette in a sincere and expressive manner, one that is much more reminiscent of Monet and the early Impressionists than 21st century downtown LA.



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