Image of artwork titled "World Weariness" by Tristan Unrau
Image of artwork titled "World Weariness" by Tristan Unrau

Tristan Unrau, World Weariness, 2022
Oil on linen
47 × 38 × 1 inches

In “World Weariness”, Unrau turns his attention to the natural world and painstakingly renders an underwater scene of Chinook Salmon. Inspired partly by New Dutch Herring (1982), a seminal work by Dutch artist René Daniëls, Unrau uses this piece as a point of departure, and then formally, works in almost direct opposition to it. While Daniels’s painting is a loose study, with broad swaths of colour and seemingly slapdash brushstrokes that depict a school of Herrings cannibalizing each other, Unrau’s highly detailed, near photographic image of salmon becomes
a deeply considered study of light and composition.



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