Image of artwork titled "Construction Work (Dusk : Dawn)" by Kristian Touborg
Image of artwork titled "Construction Work (Dusk : Dawn)" by Kristian Touborg

Kristian Touborg, Construction Work (Dusk : Dawn), 2021
metallic, reflective, and iridescent pigments, oil, acrylic, and sublimation dye, on polyester
37.5 × 48.25 × 1.5 inches

In the tension field between sculpture and painting, Touborg realizes playful but intimate works where painterly gestures, gauzy volumes, and silvery reflections create a strong poetic presence, both tactile and coolly distanced. Drawn to redefine the way we understand the ordering principles of nature, Touborg evokes rhizomatic growth patterns and other “natural algorithms” in his paintings to illustrate the slippages that exist between the natural world and the digital sphere. Expanding on meditations on modern image ecology, Touborg constructs works that deflect categorization, confidently existing as painting, sculpture, textile and collage.



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