Image of artwork titled "Hypothetical Landscape XIII" by Guillaume Linard Osorio
Image of artwork titled "Hypothetical Landscape XIII" by Guillaume Linard Osorio

Guillaume Linard Osorio, Hypothetical Landscape XIII, 2022
colored resins on polycarbonate, framed
59 × 41.5 × 1.5 inches

Linard Osorio mediates the conversation of image versus object, material versus ground, as he proposes a new field within the picture plane – a landscape of channels between sheets of polycarbonate. Within a window-shaped format that ties the material to its architectural roots, the space inherently suggests a kind of inside-out interface. Structural voids become veils of sapphire, inky green, teal, beige and blush, in liquid-like but sensitively composed images that oscillate between the unintentional stain and the perfect trace – hypothetical landscapes.



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