Image of artwork titled "Moon with Building" by Masamitsu Shigeta
Image of artwork titled "Moon with Building" by Masamitsu Shigeta
Image of artwork titled "Moon with Building" by Masamitsu Shigeta

Masamitsu Shigeta, Moon with Building, 2022
Oil on canvas, epoxy, resin, hardware with wood doors
24 × 18 inches

Masamitsu Shigeta’s anti-pastoral landscapes depict nature and architecture within major cities. Observing the geometry and light in places people walk past every day, the artist records moments from his daily commute to use as studies for small paintings on board. As the work progresses into a larger scale, Shigeta shifts towards sculptural touches by either shaping the canvas or using framing devices—usually found materials from around the city or his studio.



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