Image of artwork titled "Baguio Stargazer No. 120.2" by Jade Yumang
Image of artwork titled "Baguio Stargazer No. 120.2" by Jade Yumang
Image of artwork titled "Baguio Stargazer No. 120.2" by Jade Yumang

Jade Yumang, Baguio Stargazer No. 120.2, 2021
Archival ink on cotton and polyester, wallpaper, cotton, sheep and alpaca wool, paper, acrylic nails, millboard, dye, aluminum wire, basswood, pine, and hardware
36.5 × 24 × 15.5 inches

This sculpture is from a large series called Open House Spatter. The series is based on two magazine articles that came out independently from each other in 1964 (one from Canada and the other from the US) addressing queer domesticity for the first time in the mainstream. In between the pages of the magazines and other lifestyle printmedia from that era are advertisement of aspirational interior designs, one of which is an asbestos tile pattern called “gay spatter” that comes in different colors and iterations. These designs are then appropriated into fabric prints that are transformed into domestic-like sculptures, using various fiber techniques. Disconnected body parts make up the shape of the sculptures suspended or wrapped in wooden structures that evoke furniture and allude to horror films from that era rife with queer anxieties; here bodies creep and re-examines connotations of the domestic as a more playful and fluid setting.



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