NADA Curated by Catherine Taft

Image of artwork titled "I Saw A Man Jumping Off The Bridge" by Nazli Efe
Image of artwork titled "I Saw A Man Jumping Off The Bridge" by Nazli Efe

Nazli Efe, I Saw A Man Jumping Off The Bridge, 2022
Beeswax, resin, water, glass cylinder, nylon thread, hair, oil stick, stainless steel cart, metal wire
79 × 20 × 22 inches

Nazli Efe uses a traditional prophecy method to create visceral installations related to disturbing personal memories which she attempts to “keep alive” using medical equipment and liquids.

In her series Water Holds Memory, the work is shaped around experimentation of a deeper understanding of water on a psychological level. The series is informed by an old divination method called Molybdomancy practiced by dropping molten lead into water and interpreting the forms. Influenced by the shamanistic ritual Molybdomancy, and the physics theory on water retaining memory, Efe makes wax sculptures in water. Amorphous wax-forms stimulate free association and recall memories like in the Rorschach test. Forms represent her life experiences, and in this process memory follows the form and form follows the memory.

Presented by EFA Studio Program, New York.



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