Jeffrey Rosen's Favorite Artworks from NADA New York 2022
Rachel Youn's kinetic sculptures distill and embody the environmental energy created by their larger installations; artifice through and through, the objects nonetheless manage to channel motion, achieving a surprisingly organic quality.
One aspect of Lina Puerta's practice involves the creation of seemingly self-contained, organic environments. Stand-ins for both discrete bodies and more macro- worlds, these garish, tactile and graspable sculptures have an inside-out quality that invites reflection.
P.A.D. (Project Art Distribution) nearly perfectly embodies the type of approach to contemporary art production and distribution that an organization such as NADA was founded to support; the present instantiation focusing on three highly independent curatorial / publishing projects.
The paintings of Alex Heilbron simultaneously suggest structure and rupture; a programmed object disentangling itself from overdetermination and the emergence of highly personable painting.
Emily Yong Beck's physically gnarly ceramics are balanced—or complicated—by her use of the disarming imagery of popular cartoons; literal vessels, any clear content embodied by these works remains as inaccessible as they, as objects, remain largely untouchable.