Image of artwork titled "Breakfast Stall/Dancer Geng" by Song Yi

Song Yi, Breakfast Stall/Dancer Geng, 2014
HD Video, AGFA Luma 150 miniprojector

Song Yi/Migrant Workers Video Collective
Children/Breakfast stall/Dancer Geng 2010-17
Three short video films tell in montage form about the lives of migrant workers in
Beijing. Common to the three films is a simple effort to show people in the migrant neighborhoods as people, because the view of migrants is typically de-humanizing. Children (2.10 min) consists of three episodes that are made together with the children who participate. Breakfast Stall (5.32 min) is a montage of recordings and conversations with people in and around you breakfast stall. Dancer Geng (5.22 min) is a montage of recordings and conversations with Geng. Song Yi is a filmmaker, writer and curator living in Beijing. Initiator of the Migrant Workers Video Collective.



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