Image of artwork titled "Zones" by Aya Nakamura
Image of artwork titled "Zones" by Aya Nakamura
Image of artwork titled "Zones" by Aya Nakamura

Aya Nakamura, Zones, 2022
Coloured pencil on artist-made paper
21 × 23.75 inches

Aya Nakamura’s drawings are made from colored pencil on handmade paper of different sizes and shapes, which have a physicality and assert themselves during the drawing process. Variegated lines move across, alongside and into fields of color, and these assemble into amorphous compositions that appear to simultaneously build and dissolve. Some have visual links to existing symbols and objects, which provide a starting point and focus.

Nakamura’s work is influenced by a philosophy of mind that does not exclusively locate consciousness in the human, derived from interacting with plants and following posthumanist research in biology and anthropology.



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